Fan theory - Genji is gay.

As i've said in my previous statements. The fact that you devolved an entire group of people as fetishists and completely disregarded who they are as a kink is what is offensive and you should realize that before you type it.

As for your whole statement on reproduction. Gay people can and still reproduce. Welcome to science. They do matter because they are human and shouldn't be disregarded. Sexuality isn't a kink. Nor are they lesser human beings.

As for the privileges, I could write an entire essay on it but as you say, game forum. One thing I will state to you is that in many places, LGBTQ partnerships don't have the same rights as a straight partnership. If their loved one dies, they have no rights whatsoever over what happens to their partner and it goes directly to their family. Now you tell me, if your wife/husband died and you didn't get to decide what happens, how would you feel? Infact, in many places being LGBTQ equals death. You can be killed simply for it. I'd suggest you do some light reading on it.

Dunno about SJW's don't care for them. Theres a difference in defending your own self and being an SJW though. You would hit back at anyone who spoke negatively about some aspect of yourself.

If you wish to continue this discussion feel free to PM me. On the topic, I've already posted my thoughts on that.

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