A farmer has the most underrated profession.

There is a lot of technology in children's lives. They see almost no farmers around them. But because of the media, they constantly see company employees and how good (/s) it is to work in a company. If you want anyone to say a successful man, they will say the CEOs of companies like MS, Apple, Google. What about a farmer?

In addition to the prestige in the eyes of the people, financial opportunities are also important. The majority of people have no land to farm. If a person in his 20s now wants to farm, there will be major initial spending, such as land, house, barn, animals, daily feed of animals, planting and maintenance of fruits and vegetables. Also they don't have any experience. Some countries give special assistance to farmers (I don't know in detail). Nevertheless, there is a situation like not being able to obtain the desired amount of harvest at the end of the year. It can be an unexpected natural disaster. It is less risky to work for a monthly (annual / daily) salary in a company in a big city. It is more profitable in some countries.

Another thing is that mass production takes over the agricultural sector. Large companies engaged in agricultural work have the latest models. They are capable of getting maximum efficiency in minimum space. Hundreds of chickens, pigs, and cows are grown for life without any movement in an area as big as ass. Most people cannot do such a thing. So nobody wants to know where the food comes from.

The main reasons are briefly prestige, financial possibilities, and the ability to manufacture in a unsinkable (probably this isn't the correct word but you understand what i'm saying) way (which does not lose to large companies).

/r/unpopularopinion Thread