A Tremendously Long Text Post about my Thoughts on XC2 and How It Compares with XC1

Sums up how I feel about XB2 pretty well. It's a great game, but it can be so exhausting to play at times that I have to put it down and do something else for a few hours. I felt this way about nearly every aspect of the game at times.

I think Xenoblade 1 has better combat in a vacuum due to having actual tutorials, but I don't have much of a preference now that I understand XB2's mechanics. I don't really understand what makes XB2's combat "way better", though. My guess is people prefer having Arts mapped to face buttons rather than having to scroll through them.

Rex isn't all bad but he's easy to dislike because he feels like a standard shonen hero at times and has a ton of corny dialogue. I think he's hated for his voice acting as well, but I honestly find it more consistent than Pyra and Mythra's "amazing" voice acting that I always hear about.

/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles Thread