Favorite passive aggressive customer threat?

"So you don't know ... >_<" when I am:

a) trying to understand what the hell they are asking me in a language that is not native to me, with an accent that I can barely desipher;

b) trying to figure out how to help them since I have no Zebra despite being on some rush-hours;

c) them getting mad if I don't reply quick enough and need to think.

I've learned that if customer is worth helping, they usually won't mind the wait. But if they start to run and go "oh, so you don't know", I won't be chasing them. Had some two ladies tell me "you have no idea, do you?" when I was genuinely trying to help, then they went off laughing. I'm watering and don't even have a vest, maybe have some understanding??

/r/Lowes Thread