When I say I probably won’t be able to help you, I’m not trying to get out of helping you

I know shit about home improvement. I know customer service. No I do not know what dimensions you need for your window I’ve never seen. No I cannot set up a fenceing project that requires a prob(who can barely do it right). No I don’t know if that plant will live to see tomorrow or next week. No I cannot tell you which grill grills more meat per square foot per dollar spent. No I have no idea if we sell X item. I’m too busy answering 100 idiots like you expecting me to know the exact location of our entire companies vast inventory. I am just an employee here for a paycheck but willing to find someone who can help you provided we even have anyone scheduled in that department because since you idiots who overshopped last year and are now undershopping are making it look like we’re failing this year in addition to the fact we must be given raises so our company is making cut backs to payroll hours to compensate.

/r/Lowes Thread