Favorite thing to do at work...

Making sure to go 5-10 mph under the speed limit if someone is tailgating me.

Yelling at people who zoom by and near-miss pass me.

Yelling at people who sit behind me and take forever to pass me when I’m done with a box.

Getting back to the PO with less than E on gas and my day off is the next day.

Playing fetch with the dog at the end of my route.

Putting people on hold who only get packages out of the mailbox when it’s full of shorttakes.

Seeing the “thank you for delivering” signs and cards.

Woman at the middle of the route always leaves me cookies on Thursday. She’s a patissier, so they get demolished with the quickness.

That package that perfectly fits by millimeters in the mailbox.

That package that you didn’t think would fit in the mailbox actually does.

Giving nicknames to kids based on their house number and street name. “Yo what up 30 Steep?” They love that shit.

So many favorites make the days end quickly. I got many more.

/r/USPS Thread