Just quit.

As someone who started at my station a week ago trying to keep a positive attitude no matter what and all that. I can say this is undoubtedly the worst job I ever had. And I needed to say that out loud. I needed to say "fuck no I don't like this job" "This job sucks" "this is the worst fucking job I've ever had"

I know not everyone works this way, and I know some people genuinely don't want to hear it. I mean most people are just going to hate their job because it's their job. That's totally fair to not want to hear negativity. But lying to myself about the quality of the job, or how I'm doing or feeling. It won't make it better.

If you're going to be pinned down and mugged. Telling yourself you're doing okay isn't going to help anything. But if you know it's a shit experience you can at least make that pill easier to swallow.

/r/USPS Thread Parent