Favouritism in the workplace - being held back...

Five years ago I joined an automotive company. I was sent to a plant to work. This plant had one of the worst work cultures I have ever seen, it's still notorious in the company. There was a group or network there that was typically terrible for this. They were bullies, racists, and sexists. Routinely made decisions to cover their ass instead of actually fixing problems. They were huge in telling on people or making up stories to HR to get people in trouble. They actually tried to play favorite with me at first but when I rejected their clique I got a target on my back like everyone else. I think they only got away with this because the plant was a shit hole and mostly underwater business up until the project that I went to work on there happened. I got my ticket out of there after launch and couple years later was asked to go there again because the plant was failing to improve with all their new work. Now that their was a laser focus on the plant I got to see that group get completely dismantled. That entire group is on PIP programs, lmao.

/r/jobs Thread