Fearful residents in despair after homes vandalised

They could always go back out in the bush, there is plenty of it. Whinging so much about their culture and how the white man stole their land, off you go, back out and live like your ancestors. 50,000 years, throwing rocks at kangaroos, nothing is stopping them. Ah but hold on a second, they don’t want that, they want to live in society and contribute nothing and give no fucks about the opportunities, handouts or property provided for them. I’m talking the minority here (probably).

I spent years bush, 90% of the houses in the town I lived were trashed, it’s disgraceful, everyone’s so afraid to cut them off or speak up about it in fear of being racist and preventing their assimilation, how long do we have to let it go on before we stop handing out to the minority that give aboriginals a bad name.

/r/perth Thread Parent Link - thewest.com.au