[Feature] Where Gangsters Go (113 pages)

There's no hostility just annoyance with what seems like laziness after you stress that we should read this all the way through and you put a permission hold on the document. The typos I'm finding are things you'd see if you did a close edit and the duplicate page is the same ballpark so I find it hard to believe that it was proofread before posting.

With the notes, the focus is solely on story and the beginning just doesn't seem compelling enough to hold a reader's interest. Sure you stress read it all the way (btw this is an insane command to a bunch of people giving you notes out of the goodness of their hearts), but are you planning on telling a producer this or a studio reader? They read as long as they're entertained and/or interested and the first fifteen pages haven't been entertaining or interesting. And my notes really have nothing to do with what happens on page 60 - I get that Billy's lying to Mary but those three scenes on top of each other seem shoehorned in atop Autumn's case.

You need to let your story breath - space the picnic and the restaurant out between scenes of Autumn investigating crime. And for a story with a logline that tells of a detective story, the gun find was real lame. That's the best way to put it. And Autumn's motive on page 30 to take the case has no bearing on it early on - it goes along with letting a scene breath... have it be more than five lines of dialogue before Autumn agrees - even if there's an underlying motive, his agreement is way to abrupt. This conversation is an opportunity to build Autumn's character and it seems to be squandered.

Keep in mind - people's notes are opinions - it's up to you whether or not to use them cause you know the story you want to tell. But DO NOT argue back with somebody's notes on your script. It's a major bad habit of this sub for writers to respond to folk's notes with a point by point rebuttal - that's missing the purpose of feedback. You're not going to change someone's opinion of your script (convince them it's good or otherwise), just like they can't convince you to use everyone of their suggestions.

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