I feel like I don't belong in my division (Silver II), and I don't know what to do.

Since I main support I only looked to those games and statistics at OP.GG, game history on lol and Bluebaron.net

There are several things I noticed: * The first turret of the game goes to your team in only 13% of the games. This would imply to me that it's often your lane that loses the first turret (didn't checked it). * In most games you are not placing that many wards. I compared it with several of my games and I often placed 1.5-2 times as many wards with just a sight stone. You do seem to buy pink wards which is good. * Your builds seems odd sometimes. You built for example a banshee veil on Braum since the enemy team has a lot of magic damage. There's no locket on your team however. With the locket you would have helped all your teammates a lot with the aura. When you are playing Annie support the Rightous Glory seems to be a core item for you. While it may be good in some situations I don't see a reason to build it every game. Building a rightous glory indicate that you are running in front of your team every time. Annie can engage well, but if you have to run towards them they should be able to avoid it or burst you down. You also built a quick silver stash once on your Annie support when the enemy team had a Malzahar and Warwick. A mikaels would have been much better here since it allows you to safe your carries. The frozen heart you like to build a lot on Janna is something I'm unsure of. I don't play her, but her playstyl seems to be more in the back and using your peel and shielding there. For the frozen heart to be effective you have to be close to their adc and/or other ad champions. For the tankiness a randuins seems me more effective. It doesn't has an aura to protect your team if the enemy would be close to you, but you can use to slow for more peel and the health helps you a lot. With the frozen heart you also go over the maximum of 40% cdr quite often.

Something else I would recommend is to make replays of your games and watch it sometimes (easy to do with op.gg). If you play for example Leona (she's my one trick pony) and feel like you didn't play that well watch the replay and check simple things such as * Did I used the level 2 power spike well and if we didn't go level 2 first, did I took a safe distance? * Did I ward enough and not unimportant at the right places. * Were my engages good or did I engaged into many minions or when my adc was low on health/mana. * Did I used the bushes well and applied enough pressure?

The next few games you can try to focus on one or two of the things that didn't went well. You don't have to watch the entire replay and many of them. Just look how the level 2 went, the engages and how you handled engages on you. The rest can often be played forward. Seeing yourself placing backing, returning to lane and placing wards can be seen at 8x speed as well for example. Yesterday you played 10 games so watching one replay would have fitted well. The other times you can watch a replay every other day or when you don't know what didn't went well in a specific game.

If you have a Leona replay (at op.gg) and don't know what you could have done better I can maybe watch it some day. I can't really help you with Janna replays since I suck at her (I need a support with which I can do either a lot of damage or jump into the enemy team) and I no longer play Annie support since the removal of dfg.

/r/summonerschool Thread