What do INTJs think of #DontStayInSchool?

I think that this guy does good work in using his art to point out potential problems in society. The literal message of the title and hashtag are, obviously, bad, but as he himself says nobody would watch a video titled "there are potentially some problems with the standard curriculum in public schools including too many abstract concepts."

In my experience with public school, I and my fellow students did learn a lot of the things he claimed weren't taught in public school. However, I went to one of the better public school systems in the country, so I understand that this is not always the case.

And, of course, I also understand that the subjects in public school are historically considered useful for teaching how to think, as well as what to think.

But, at the same time, we inherited our education systems in two parts: one from the Renaissance humanists (who are responsible for most of the traditional higher level curriculum), and the other from the industrial revolution (who are responsible for universal mandatory schooling and the regimented schedule).

There is, of course, something to be said for - perhaps - considering that what worked best two centuries ago for scheduling and five centuries ago for core curriculum might be in need of some revision in favor of more practical topics. When we expect weekends to be time off and for parents to be working 9 to 5 jobs all week, this leaves them precious little time to educate their children, so I can see how we might want to move some basic life stuff into mandatory education if it's not already there.

Generally, I think it's easy to say "our education system needs work," but hard to say what about it in particular needs improving. Maybe it's that we need more concrete life lessons, and I think there is certainly something to be said for that, but maybe not. The fact that somebody used their art to give that a shot is respectable, whether he got it right or not.

/r/intj Thread