I feel like a dread setting in that I am getting older, there is no turning back time and it feels like time has sped up after 30

I'm 32 as well and I feel like this all the time. I always have plans and things I want to do but everything gets run over simply due to day-to-day needs. I have a very clear view of what I want to do with myself, I just don't seem to have the time (and more often than not, the budget) to make it work.

I hate that this year feels ''wasted'' because of the pandemic, even though I'm extremely grateful that so far me and everyone I know have made it through. I was planning on looking for another job so I could start it around September, but now I fear it's crazy to drop my very stable job in the middle of all this instability. I feel very stuck in life, basically.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread