I feel like I'm losing my faith.

Should God take away your depression?

When a kid has homework do his parents do it for him? They could... but what good would that do for the child? He must learn how to take responsibility for what is given to them each day. Start being responsible with the smallest parts of your day and you will experience closer-to-God moments. Falling away from His presence comes with big lessons. Returning to His Grace is a process that empties out your old self to make room for the new ... and it hurts.

It's okay to feel like you're losing faith. Yell at God if you need to. Express the feelings He already knows are in you. In my experience that old phrase "darkest before the dawn" applies to how we experience God. I have been angry at God to the point of questioning my existence -- "I should never have been born, how could He make such a mistake letting me be this miserable." After the therapeutic release of my inner-feelings, I'd feel incredibly guilty about it. But when it's all let out the storm passes and you are left seeing the truth about yourself a bit more clearly. That's when repentance comes in. You take responsibility for yourself, say sorry, and move on. His grace shows up, you start to feel like a new man, and you can move on.

My advice to you is this: wake up and say out loud, "Jesus, I give you my day." That's all you do. You might have thoughts race into your head like, "oh he's going to want me to do this or that, and I don't want to!" But here's the thing, He KNOWS you don't want to. Jesus is a badass. If you are terrible at taking care of some responsibility and you give your day to Him, He's not going to demand you do it. If you suck at paying bills on time, that day he might give you the urge to just clean off your desk. (Be obedient to those small urges to do what is HARD to do). By the next day around noon you might see that clean desk and it may give you a clear enough head to just go one step further and open up some of those bills. He is a chill God when you are trying to get close to Him.

He loves you and will guide you to success as slowly as you need to go. Just give your day to Him.

/r/Christianity Thread