Do you feel like your "personality" changes between languages?

I think the language itself does not change my personality much, but I tend to kind of "transfer" into a culture when I speak a language. I don't know if others experience this or understand what I mean. For example, when I speak Japanese, I always bow, nod, do those nasal "hmm" sounds and so on. Also, I cannot be direct and do not express my anger openly. So if someone asked me to speak Japanese without these additional culture parks, I am not sure if I could pull it off. Also, my thoughts seem to sync in with the flow of language, so they become less direct and more polite as well. When I speak Russian, I adapt to cultural norms set in Russia for females. I tend to speak in a really soft voice and use the type of wording and constructions that females tend to use. The language is also largely different from my native language, so my thoughts also adapt to the style, wording and overall the way of thinking required by the language. I could never say things in Russian the same way (with the same strength, for example) as in my native language (or any other, for that matter). My English is probably not so influenced by culture, as I have never been to an English-speaking country. Therefore I often switch between American and British elements without distinguishing them properly, which bothers me a bit. But しょうがない, at least for the time being. Also, in my native language (Serbian) I tend to use all kinds of different words, including rare and archaic ones. I try to avoid translating from my native language into foreign languages when I speak. Not so sure about culture here, simply because it's my native language and I am probably not aware of numerous culture norms and connotations included in everyday speech. But yes, I would say that I undergo changes when speaking different languages. And although I am still me (of course), I guess that people who meet me when I speak a different language will definitely have a different impressions from those who meet me when I'm in my native language mode.

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