Females of reddit: What are some male traits that immediately make you think "shit, he's crazy"?

I happen to have met some complete loons and a lot of them fit a profile. DO A BACKGROUND CHECK because it is common for a sociopath to seem EXTREMELY charming and deceptive but their trail of criminal history usually shows a total disregard for the law. ALSO EXPECT EVERY ARREST to be explained away as someone elses fault, a set up, etc. Poor him!

Look for extreme self centeredness, easily bored, easily offended or insulted, expects to be treated like royalty from waitresses or other staff, demands special treatment, inconsiderate toward animals, perhaps a pattern of adopting animals and getting 'rid of them' when they are no longer cute or useful, without normal human attachment.... GRANDIOSE.... (says a prayer at church and thinks he's a televangelist... strums his guitar at a coffee house and thinks he's a rock star) puts himself in the spotlight. All eyes on him! Manipulative, deceitful, full of secrets, but demands unordinary amounts of access to your private places like email, snoops, is suspicious everyone else is doing bad things, plays the victim frequently, villifies others, is mostly concerned about immediate gratification of physical needs without consideration of other people's needs, or the future. So you are a hamster on a wheel surrounding his bottom-of-maslows hierarchy needs... he's hungry, he's horny, he's hungry, hes sleepy. Is he a toddler? Sort of... He isn't very emotionally mature. He is Frequently in financial or other crises due to impulsive decisions AND expects to be saved from that. He just bounced another check! Come save him! Also watch out for anyone with a lot of strange obsessions, be it collecting guns and knives to the point of being able to arm a small militia, to thinking there are illuminati symbols everywhere. Someone that loves to watch horror movies, torture and rape scenes, looks at gore pictures and thinks its cool, laughs maniacally during inappropriate times while looking at the stuff. In fact some kind of emotionless stare and lack of appropriate facial expression and a general robotic coldness is usually your first impression of him. You will find he feins some emotions like an actor to manipulate a desired effect but can turn it off and go back to robot face on a dime.

/r/AskReddit Thread