The last story in the series of the 7 month old bam warrior who scaled 120 ft:
Particularly rainy night tonight. My dad brought a hose backup/various nozzles for tomorrow morning incase she got close enough that we can spray her down. Thawing salmon and chicken for tomorrow morning's BBQ. We were prepared for tomorrow's battle plan.
On my way to bed, I opened the window and shook her dry food loudly, gave her a few cheers, no meowing heard at all. Caught a whiff of skunk, a little concerning. I kept calling waiting for the signature meow. Silence. Did this for two minutes and the little Cutie comes prancing up to the porch and jumps into the window.
I bought some cheddar fancy feast today, the new special edition one she loves. She gobbles down two. Didn't really want the milk though or the water. Now she's grooming her entire self. Purring with the pets. She's in my lap all currelled up purring and demanding the pets, licking my fingers.
I did a physical examination, she's actually super clean (no sap or dirt). No pressure points that hurt her or any visible bleeding. No sap on her or dirt.
Still, this stinky girl is going straight into the bath tomorrow after her good night's sleep. She rather likes baths because they're warm and that's what cured me today after a long tiring few days of coordinating the rescue. We are both going to sleep well tonight.
I don't completely agree with the staying in house recommendations from some of the critics. Our house is a bit small and she deserves to run around and be active. We have a big yard and we have given her freedom to in the past, I liked the idea of making a chicken coop area that she can run around in. We also have a leash and have brought her to parks/hikes. No camping yet that sounds like it could turn bad real quick. Curious to see the insights based on peoples experiences. I hope to take her on a canoe soon.
Thank you to everyone who gave supportive and experienced feedback. This helped lead to this outcome and I couldn't have done it without the messages!