Finally climbed to gold :)

Hello there! I started silver IV this season in march and I became plat IV like two-three weeks ago. As a support main I carried myself with improvements on vision control. Yes ,with freakin vision control, having around ~60 vision score at 20 minutes. People in gold and true platinas(not those who were diamond or abova and are on their way back) 90% of the time do not ward or place wards in shit positions. I simply cannot emphasize how much games have my team won simply because I laid down deep wards early on ,and saw the enemy jungler's movement. Warding up 1:30 minutes before an objective to see enemy position also won us almost all objectives if we weren't too behind. Seriously even if you are not a support player for the sake of everyone buy a pink ward after each recall because for a mere 75 gold you see even invisible enemy units, you deny them vision, you save yourself from facechecking bushes,and it'll probably save your life once. TL;DR: buy pinks after each recall, deep ward enemy jungle= profit

/r/summonerschool Thread