Finally starting Dragon ball

The way I watched it since childhood was DBZ first and then later Dragon Ball OG because of some technical difficulty to the TV-channel operator at the time. It was so weird yet at the same time so familiar watching Dragon Ball after watch DBZ.... it felt as though I already knew all these characters such as Bulma, Yamcha, Master Roshi, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Piccolo who seem more or less the same in Dragon Ball compared with DBZ. (The only person who changed is Goku... which is kinda sad, a monkey boy kid who cared about his friends who didn't show mercy to his enemies (in Dragon Ball) transforms to this weird tolerant forgiving detached God-like figure from another planet (in DBZ). I mean it kind feels weird and nice seeing the characters from DBZ, once again in Dragon Ball in their main introduction.

The funimation DBZ and Dragon ball english dub was probably the best. Not gonna lie. DBZ Kai was trash the same way DBS was a joke.

So to make it more fun, I recommend watching DBZ first then watch OG Dragon Ball. Because it brings back nostalgia. Because you already know who these characters are by the time when you watch Dragon Ball and you see them as totally different people.

/r/dragonball Thread