The Fine Bros from Youtube are now attempting to copyright "reaction videos" (something that has existed before they joined youtube) and are claiming that other reaction videos are infringing on their intellectual property

Wow, kind of bullshit that you guys are getting downvoted to hell.

Listen, reddit, the point of the downvote is for stuff that takes away from the conversation. Not stuff you disagree with. This is literally The Fine Brothers coming into this thread, unasked, to defend themselves and build a conversation which they have more of a right to contribute to than anyone. Yet they are buried at the bottom of the page, and if not for a VERY helpful OP, nobody would even know that they were here.

That being said.

Guys, I love your channel. I really do. Rock is fucking hysterical. The kids are rediculously cute. It seems like you're getting a real hard time here.

What is your end-game? Reddit doesn't like to admit it, but there's a lot more anti-semetic conspiratards than they like to disclose. They see a famous pair of Jewish brothers trying to get lawyers involved and they go nuts. Are you trying to go suit happy, or just protect your brand, because to me, it seems like the latter.

There's a fine line between saying "We have a copyright on reaction videos" (which is what everyone seems to be inferring) and "We want to keep people from ripping off our shit". And that, itself, is fine. There's a lot of channels that I like where, if you try to find the content without going to the channel, you get half-assed knockoffs. As a viewer, that's annoying. Stuff like BadLipReading and ERB are prime examples.

You guys are content creators, and YouTube as a medium has come a very long way in the past few years. There are brands that are establishing. There are people that are making careers in other formats that started on YouTube and they, too, have brands to protect. It only makes sense that you have a means to protect your brand. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, you should have a way to ensure that other people don't rip off the format without clearing it through you.

That's obviously not to say that others can't create reaction videos. But if they call it "Kids react to ______" and start it off with the same music, and give it the same style backdrop -- that's infringing. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about copyright law to say where that line is drawn.

I would, however, be very interested to see a "YouTubers react to" this thread/topic.

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