Finishing B.Ed Degree as soon as physically possible

If you have over a 3.0 (I think) you can apply to take 6 courses a semester, I did that and it wasn’t too bad. That would be 36 credits a semester, plus you can do 6 credits in summer and 6 in spring but not many courses are offered so keep that in mind when planning. I believe a degree is 120 credits. It’s to late to get approved to take 6 courses next semester but you could try and apply but when I applied I was told I need to do it multiple months in advance. Are you in elementary or secondary? If you’re in elementary you have to do your first practicum in winter semester (3rd year) and your second one in fall semester (4th year. Secondary I believe it’s more flex I able and you usually complete both of them in your 4th year. At most you’d be able to finish a semester early given how practicum works. Have you considered moving out and getting a part time job? I also moved out and support myself 100% on my own. I work 20 hours a week and then full time in the summer and I am able to pay rent, food, car, and most of my tuition with a little help from student loans. Something else to consider is just because you Graduate does not mean you are going to get a job right away, it can take months to get hired my a board and then you can start applying for positions. Feel free to message me.

/r/uAlberta Thread