Stop calling each other selfish over the supermarkets being low on stock

They’re not being selfish they’re just buying slightly more than normal, all at once.

My family is made of six people. There is not enough food for all of us for the next week. My dad lost his job, mum stays at home - she's a housewife looking after my two younger siblings (bellow four). Friday will be the last day for my other sister at school - we don't even have a laptop for her to do the work. My mum went to buy food.. all she got were 2 boxes of cereal and 2 yogurts (one mango flavoured and one chocolate fudge) and also a pie. This was everything that was available at Tesco in Welling. The shelves were empty. People are going crazy. I understand the panic. I understand the fear. I am crying right now because I have no clue how are we gonna last. And why did this happened? Please explain if you know.

But Jesus.. You have no right to say that. OK. No right.

People ARE being selfish by buying EVERYTHING their eyes land on. Everyone is currently thinking about themselves and their families. I am. But I am not buying 20 packs of toilet paper even if I had that fucking chance, I wouldn't. Its not normal. And for you to say that they're buying slightly more than normal and that those people are not being selfish. You certainly don't understand the situation. I tried to stay calm. I did. But when those people start pushing and shouting and buying all the foods leaving a majority of people who did not have had the chance to get outside and walk to the supermarket and buy the food to eat and shit it after. Its over man

So FUCK Off and shut the fuck up.

/r/CoronavirusUK Thread