First person you told

I originally came out as Bi when I was in Year 10. I fancied a Spanish boy who was in Year 11. I told my Mum a few months later that I fancied this boy and that I was Bi. She said 'Do you know what Bi means?' I said 'You like guys and girls' she said 'No, you'd have sex with a guy and girl at the same time' I thought 'Really?' I later said 'I'm not a Bi' this boy said 'How can you say your Bi, then not be Bi?' I thought 'Yes that's true but I'm just not' Anyway my friends were like 'Tom are you Gay?' I always kept denying it. When I left that School I went through a phase on Instagram. I posted pics of Guys kissing, holding hands, hugging. My Dad wanted to know why I was doing this and I said I'm supporting the LGBT Community but he said 'You haven't done any Lesbians' I didn't. I just did guys. He was worried because in a few weeks time I was going to Sixth Form boarding school and he didn't want them to think that I'm gay when I get there. So I deleted the images. When I was at Sixth Form I re sat my GCSE'S so I was with the Year 11's a lot. I kept getting asked by this boy 'Tom are you Gay?' I said 'No' I didn't want to come out to him because I thought he'd make fun of me and tell the whole school. On a evening celebrating Chinese New Year I came out to my friend who was in Year 11 confirming that I have been speaking to guys and telling her that I liked them and that I am Gay. I was currently speaking to 3 guys at the time. When she knew she wanted me to tell my friends in Sixth Form and for me to come out to my Family. I told another friend who used to go the school, I told her everything. Then my other friend said 'I kinda knew when you were talking about it' so that was 3 people who knew so far at the Sixth Form. I told my other friend face to face about me being Gay and that I did nudes for guys and I still do. Then my other friend was like 'I hear you have something to tell me' I was like 'so I'm speaking to Guys' and I'm like 'yeah so I'm gay'. So that's 5 people now, I was speaking to this American guy who wasn't being right at the time and I came down to the Sixth Form centre all sad and annoyed. I said 'I really liked him' to my friends at the table but my other friends were chatting amongst themselves and they overheard. I was saying it really loud lol so I guess that confirmed it for them. So one time coming back from the gym coming out of the common room I came out to my friend because I said 'My Halfterm was awful' she was like 'Why?' I was like 'Oh these guys' and so I told her. So by the end of it practically the whole Sixth Form knew that I'm Gay. I'm now working at Tesco's Express. Recently on a night out I got asked by my friend 'Are you Gay?' I said 'Um, yeah' I was like 'How did you know' he said 'Your really camp' I laughed lol then my other friend knew as she was out with us.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that my friends are and were a lot easier to come out too than my Parents. I'm very scared for that day to come.

/r/askgaybros Thread