First time marijuana possession joint case (Ontario, Canada)

Alternative measures/diversion programs are a one time scheme usually reserved for first time offenders. Meaning, if you had one of those silly little run ins with the law in your teens, you've likely used your chance. Diversion programs work as follows: If the crown is seeking a summary conviction (the least serious of Canadian criminal offences), the circumstances of your case don't involve any particularly egregious facts, and this is in fact your first offence, you will likely qualify for the program. The program is not a get outta jail free card. You are required to enter "own up to your wrongs" and essentially enter a guilty plea. You are then assigned some form of community service or other alternative (could be a fine in the form of a donation to a charity, attending drug counselling, writing an essay about how you don't volunteer incriminating evidence to the cops...). If, and only if, you complete your assignment, you will be discharged. You will have no record, and no issue crossing the border. The only thing you should do, and this is totally a personal preference, is contact both the RCMP (or your provincial counter part), as well as your local municipal police department, and pay them each the $20.00 to destroy copies of your finger prints. Certain background checks are so detailed they will show your finger prints as having been taken by the police, which makes life a pain. Specially when you answer questions under the assumption you have no record; sure, you have no record, but why the hell does the Man have a copy of your prints? Plus, do you really want Stephen Harper to have a copy of your digits stashed in a database waiting for cross referencing after your next transgression

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