The ADA should imply that if I need a body language interpreter at a Costco with more than 15 employees, it must be provided... right?

You're making assumptions about how I was behaving based on what I was protesting that I wasn't behaving as... something like that. And for what; because you want to harass me, because you think I'm racist, because you think I'm entitled, because you think I'm an asshole, because you think I'm giving disabled people a bad name, why are you harassing me? And you never stop to think, for one second, that your refusal to consider that I might not be an asshole might make you be an ableist asshole. I mean you guys are all assholes. You really don't know your ass from your elbows about all this. I get treated like shit all the time for no reason. It's horrible. And you guys are just piling on, just because it's reddit and you enjoy hurting people. I mean, just imagine. What if you all are wrong? I know you feel like you've done a lot of detective work, you think you've uncovered a lot of evidence. Let's see, let's check the notes. I think that people don't like my tone of voice even though I try really hard not to sound mean. People usually think I sound mean anyway. I posted on here trying not to sound mean, and you all think I sound mean. But you think I'm lying and that I really act like an asshole unprovoked and that's why people treat me like shit. But I didn't act like an asshole until everyone here started treating ME like shit. But somehow you think that you've proven that I am, indeed, an asshole. Why? Because people think I am one. That's your overarching opinion. YOU ALL THINK that I AM an asshole, because, people THINK I am an asshole. That's your evidence. If people think I am an asshole, it must be because I am one. I submit into evidence every Black man killed by police officers for no reason. Those Black men were HUGE assholes, obviously. Oh wait, I am not allowed to use that example. Okay, I submit into evidence the huge number of autistic people killed by police officers for no reason. Crickets Not good enough? I suspect you all just think I should have followed orders.

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