Why isn't it wrong for people in extreme poverty to have kids?

There's nothing, nor anyone, that could ever stop me from having children. The one tangible thing we can leave behind in this miserable, short existence on this piece of shit planet. I could not give a fuck how the ones sitting at the top feel, sipping tea while they discuss the merits of procreation of the poor masses.

Stop editing your shit. Stand by your opinion fully, or change it and explain why. None of this pussy "Well, what I meant was..." shit. You meant what you said.

Nothing wrong with having an opinion, and yours seems to be born from a more or less logical place.

I was born in a poor ass shitty town not in the USA. Can't-have-shoes-poor town. Adobe house, no utilities poor.

Now I'm here in the glorious US of A, doing extremely well, happily married, and it wouldn't be possible if those selfish, inconsiderate, dirty poors that my parents are to you would not have given birth to me.

I fucking love being alive. I would suffer through the worst of my childhood a thousand times over rather than not existing.

Got out of hand there for a sec, but I just feel very strongly about this topic.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread