Flakers of reddit, what's so hard about keeping to plans? Do you really have that much random crap come up?

I flake on my 3 best friends all the time. At first it started out because of depression. I didn't feel like bringing down their moods all the time so I actively flaked. I really wanted to hang out with them but I couldn't help being depressed. They started to noticed but I pushed them away.

Then it transitioned into growing apart, we don't share similar interests anymore, they went a different direction in life. Its not that I don't like them anymore or anything, I just simply don't find the same enjoyment hanging out anymore. They always want to do things that I have no interest in doing and that's fine with me.

I wish them the best in life and still consider them friends, but we simply don't have the same connections we used to have. Its more me than anything, I would say I am the odd man out in my group of friends. I feel like the black sheep and just want to go a different path in life.

They all go to college and have girlfriends and I'm still a man child who enjoys being alone and playing video games. Also they all work pretty good jobs while I work in a restaurant.

They sort of understand my struggle because I come from a low class family and they come from middle/high class families. But they always ask me questions that make me want to implode like "why don't you just buy it? or something to that extent, when they know full well that my family is poor as hell.

/r/AskReddit Thread