Flat earth theory

hello again... i hope you've been well since our last interaction.

I wanted to sign in and comment to you because this poster's question is the same question i have.... why?

Now before you go on and attack me because I don't normally post here, please save the logical fallacies... I am not attacking flat earth, nor am i defending spherical earth.

I... along with this poster is looking for an understanding to the why.

Now i have followed your posts, i watched the videos, i did some reading; i understand the concept... somethings i agree with, others i do not...but the questioning has begun.

The one thing however I cannot find an explanation for is the why... why would they tell us its round when its actually flat?

The only answers that have come close to answering this is what you said above: basically they always lie to us so this just another thing they lie to us about to make lying again easier...or simply put "because the powers that be lie about everything"....and also..."because god"

now I am sorry but these are not acceptable answers. Allow me to explain what I am looking for...

If you want to talk about chemtrails, you can say chemtrails are dangerous because they are spreading chemicals for: population control/poisoning us/mind control/manipulating the ionsphere/haarp/etc

if you want to talk about 9eleven, you can say that it was for passing the patriot act, we had rights and privacy stripped from us, we invaded and increased our presence in the middle east, we went after the black gold, etc...

you can talk about the moon landings being a hoax and contribute that to us being in a space race with russia and needing to get there first.

Whatever the conspiracy/challenge to mainstream thinking is; there is usually a why behind it.

This is what I am looking for with flat earth... not the how, but the why. why hide it from us? why tell us the earth is round? what benefit does a flat earth have?

Now in my research i found that a lot of ancient civilizations thought the earth was flat. ancient jews, ancient egyptians, ancient hindus, the bible, ancient chinese civilizations... all spoke of the earth as a disc... some floating in an ocean, some supported on mountains... but they all called it flat.

If ancient civilizations were much more advanced than we were, then maybe knowing that the earth was flat would help advanced knowledge and understanding.

So you could say things like....

Knowing the earth was flat would give us a better understanding into the universe and our origins.

Or you can get crazier and say, the earth is actually Torus shaped...a really flat torid/almost donut shaped earth as the torus shape is everywhere in the universe and nature

You can say that interpreting a flat earth makes it easier to understand dimensions and the multi-verse theory.

These are just guesses/attempts to give a plausible reason to why we would be told one thing when in fact the truth is another.

If you can, without saying "because they lie about everything" or "god" please explain to me the why of the deceit.


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