Food for thought: Costco's minimum wage has risen to $16.00 per hour. A full-time customer service staff earning role model top pay makes $17.25 per hour; only $1.25 more than Costco's lowest paid employees.

Idk why there’s so much hate, because you’re right!!! The people working CSS are always hustling and juggling a ton of shit. I would never want to work CS because that much interaction with customers is exhausting. It’s a skill to handle that sort of thing with grace. You guys are the first people customers see when coming and have so much to handle, and yet still greet everyone positively and diffuse stressful situations and help other departments by taking their calls or customer questions about OUR stuff. Of course you deserve to be paid more. You guys are bringing that awesome customer service our stores are built on. People in fresh depts or grocery just want to bitch because sometimes you happen to look like you’re doing nothing when you finally have a break between rushes, while we (non CS) are being pushed to our breaking point for insanely high productivity while similarly being stuck at a low pay cap. But you’re stuck with low pay too!! No sense going after fellow workers dealing with the same issues. Fuckin assholes

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