For all the hate he gets, he did make one hell of a primer on anti-statism. "The Story of Your Enslavement"

I've seen a lot of people mention this video here from time to time, but I haven't bothered watching it before today.

I think the main thing I dislike about this person, and what I theorize is also one of the main things even some of you guys dislike about him, is just the way he talks in his videos. It's hard to put words to exactly, but it sounds too... propaganda-y. His "smooth whisper," the way he finishes every other sentence dramatically, as though he just uttered some sort of grand revelation that he has to let "sink in." It reminds me of the way the guy in this video talks.

The first, I don't know, let's say third to half, of the video, could very well have been the intro to some cynical left-anarchist anti-civ nonsense; the only thing unique or interesting about his take (on all the same things they've been whining about long before he came along) is that he somehow manages to twist this "owner class" into something that is somehow completely unrelated to the dominant economic class. No, apparently to Stef the only thing that threatens your freedom is that you have to pay taxes. Very insight, much deep.

He talks about how all wealth is the product of "economic freedom," whatever that means, plays a scary video of a cop shooting some guy, and then ends the video, after providing no real useful analysis of anything nor providing any actual solutions to literally anyone's problems, by saying "wake up," just in case you weren't completely sure that what you just watched wasn't a parody of something from /r/conspiracy.

So, yeah, in conclusion, I thought this video was pretty bad. On the bright side, given this person's reputation around here, I wasn't expecting a whole lot, so the disappointment doesn't sting.

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism Thread Link -