For our New Orleans Family regarding response

This thread could use some real information. This will be a long post but I'll try to keep it manageable for ya'll:

1) Our policies state both Code 2 and Code 3 as L&S, with the only real difference being dispatch prioritizes C3 dispatches and cannot reroute units off C3 calls without a good reason. C1 responses are only dispatched to units when we have more than 3 available units (which is rare).

2) We catch flack from dispatch when we downgrade a C2 or C3 response to a C1 transport. Therefore, some of us may or may not just forget to mention the transport mode when we advise dispatch.

3) Obviously the Nightwatch crews were not going to do anything that could get them in trouble with admin when the show aired, so there wass more indulging a non-critical patient's penchant for drama than would be tolerated without a camera running. This would inform the rarity of canceled on scene, refusal, and AMA disposition on the show.
* This also explains the use of l&s on clear b(l)s calls. I think they also used the lights just for the cameras sometime, just not when there were any cars around. I lold hard when they were fueling the truck with the lights on in the show.

4) The Nightwatch crews played by slightly different rules than the rest of us. Functionally it was staffed as an 8 hour detail where the units were posted in traditionally high volume areas and allowed to cherry pick Code 3 calls. The rest of us run 12 hour shifts on a 2-2-3 schedule and are floated around the city as directed by SSM.

5) NOEMS is 911 only. There are several ALS-capable private services operating in the area that handle nearly everything coming out of the health care facilities (nursing homes, assisted living,...etc). We typically run 10-12 items/shift with ~8 transports. On average 1-2 of those transports will be critical patients. That said, some EMT's have darker clouds than others.

/r/ems Thread