Say It Again For Those In the Back

i just don't get at all how people say feminism is about misandry. and then the very dark way i feel people are attacking feminism in many ways, saying it's about women trying to be superior ect and then feelings entitled to continue treating women unfairly/terribly because they believe that feminism is bad/unfair and perpetuating it even more. it is pretty awful to me. and it doesn't feel like it's just people who are 'trolls,' there's just so many people who feel this way and feel like this is this justified position.
I actually did try and listen to this and try to see if there was some rationalness to all this, for a very long time, as i was raised as a pasifist and that is the sort of thing I was taught to do is listen first. and after lots of listening, I just didn't see it all. it's awful what some people are saying and i just don't get it.
sorry i am no academic on the subject, but know quite a few people who have these kind of views and i do have to live with it around me quite a bit.

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