For those that did badly in High School (C,D,F), where are you now?

Technically I did alright in high school, solid B student, but my school had this bullshit attendance rule where if you missed a certain amount of days you'd get a 59 and then your grade on the midterm/final would average in with it and hopefully get you passing.

Unfortunately, that didn't go super well for me (fuck you AP History, I only wanted AP lit) and I didn't get to actually graduate. I took a year off, volunteered a lot, and got my GED instead of wasting another year in that hell hole. I started at my local community college and discovered that I am totally shit at math. My teachers in high school totally slacked off. I had to take intermediate algebra and then I failed regular algebra TWICE. I'm currently in math for liberal arts 1 & 2 so I can still graduate on time. But other than math, I'm doing great. It's much easier to do well in classes (and show up) when I get to pick the class and the time. I've taken every earth science my college had to offer. I'm living my dream.

/r/AskReddit Thread