For those of you playing US or UM who have you found is your MVP?

I trade in a team of Joltik, Salandit, Wooper, Scraggy, Mimikyu and Celebi from the virtual Gold/Silver (the code you get when you buy one them). I didn't use Mimikyu or Celebi until Ula'Ula. Let me tell you this Quagsire, Joltik, Salandit and Scraggy are terrible. Araquanid demolished me. Luranatis was just a load of bullshit. Some random trainer with a Gyarados almost wiped me.

You though adding Celebi and Mimikyu would help? That evolution would help? No. Totem Mimikyu completely outclassed the entire team (and fuck that Banette). Fucking Guzma wiped me, Guzma who the hell gets wiped by Guzma.

Also not using xp share naturally, I think i need to use it. I'm battling all trainers and a fair bit of wild and my team can't keep up. Like the five pokemon i traded over are perfect iv, egg and tutor moves yet they just are no good.

So no one is MVP, i picked a terrible terrible team that can't take a hit what so ever and despite the boosted xp from being traded are some how under leveled.

/r/pokemon Thread