Force Leaving abyss dungeons

I tried that, I was unable to switch characters. The character is just guaranteed stuck in the dungeon unless the group decides to leave or they clear it.

I'm mainly malding that I lost my hard mode ticket because I made the mistake of queueing into the normal dungeons and that I had to rely on my team letting me escape.

It just feels blatantly terrible when your character isn't allowed to leave a dungeon.

Penalties should be applied for people who reguarly do this, even suspensions or bans.

But for people who accidently made this error, and now they're at the mercy of their team reading chat and agreeing to let you go? Yea, it's unfortunate that I queued into a group of people who didn't give a fuck about my mistake but it truly feels terrible on my end that I lost my attempt this way and had no safety net.

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