People who have not yet cleared Kakul G3, why not? Do you want to?

On release week, our static had scheduling issues so we only managed to beat G2 on reset night. Since we were ready to call it, we just said fuck it, and somehow managed to make it to Mario 3 on our first attempt. The week after, we spent almost 6 hours progging on just G3, only making it to bingo once where we cleared it then and there due to a miracle bomb drop. Last week, we spent about 2 hours clearing G3. Each week gets better, but you really need that hard time commitment to learn not only the patterns, but knowing the timing of certain mechanics (like knowing when to push or stop dps). There's an element of RNG, but it's not at all as severe as some players are making it out to be.

/r/lostarkgame Thread