Wardancer main's dillema.

I decided to try 4spender Entropy in Trixion with tripods, runes, high spec, etc

On one hand, the damage is nuts, I definitely see the appeal to a player who has truly mastered the class and all the raids

But at the same time, forget doing this in a real raid lol

Brelshaza gate 5 and 6 for instance move a LOT, there's no way I could ever do optimal damage with that build on probably any boss except maybe Gate 4 Brel if he doesn't spin?

Also the fact that to get enough spec in our version of the game to pull ghat build off would be a massive investment that I simply can't afford right now, let alone praying to RNGsus for level 5 tripods and the pheon costs

/r/lostarkgame Thread Link - i.redd.it