Brel Reclearing

I created a title reclear for 5-6 with my Bard. A Paladin came in. We waited for about 10 minutes before someone joined. I asked inbetween if maybe he wants me to put like 6+ reclears but he said no, he prefers title. I stuck to only accepting people with the title. Denied people who didnt have it. Had one player who kept applying, was a juicer at 1560 with no title lol.

Eventually after about 10-15 more minutes we got a full group. We cleared with the group. The only requirement was the title, I didn't care too much if there wasn't a player with a BIS build. One of the guys didnt even have 5x3. We finished. There was some arguments between 2 players but the rest of us were pretty chill. There was maybe 1 restart for both runs.

Basically, its worth waiting for people with title :)

/r/lostarkgame Thread Link -