Foreigners don’t take our jobs — they create them and boost the Treasury

>Yes it is changing, it always has been changing for the whole of its history, and expecting it to stop changing is as an unrealistic a demand as stopping the tides.

Mass Non-Euro migration was created by Government policy (net immigration trebled in the late 90's).

Saying that we should accept change for the sake of change is not an argument. If it became fashionable to murder people in the street you couldn't just say "that is the way things are now". The demographic change this country is undergoing is unprecedented in our history, we are becoming foreigners in our own land and the government is openly facilitating it.

>We have never not been multi-cultural and multi-lingual and to remove that would be to remove a large part of what makes Britain British.

Yes lets dump half of Somalia into the country because a few people still speak Gaelic, what a shit argument.

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