Former and current gang members on Reddit, why did you join a gang, and what was the initiation process like? [SERIOUS]

Watching them try to fuck people out of what they were owed was the final straw in destroying what little respect I had remaining for the military at that point.

Welcome to insurance at all levels world wide. It pisses me off.. smiling faces talking about how they'll take care of you when you 'need it most'? Fuck off.

I hurt my back over a year ago at work. The insurance company just cut my funding off from my physical therapy because I had too many appointments last month in their view.. never mind that at around about day 8 of not having it I lose the ability to walk.

Why were there too many appointments? Because I needed access to gym equipment and as I was summarily fired from my job after injuring myself, I can't afford a gym membership. You know, after 7 years of going above and beyond before finally being taken out working under a desk that I had fucking told them was unsafe to cable up.

Naturally, my physio requests a gym membership as part of my treatment.. which was immediately denied and a full investigation of my 'circumstances' launched, because they supposedly had 'evidence' that I was lying about my injury (they didn't, because none exists, because I'm not fucking lying). This was basically the insurance company trying to intimidate/bluff me into reducing my medical claims.

So, after that, and because my physio really needed me doing those exercises (you know.. so I can walk and stuff), he doubled my appointments so I could do them there under his supervision. Which leads us to now, where the company is now doing their very best to make sure that I quietly go away and be a broke, unemployable cripple and stop costing them money.

It's a shitty feeling... to be used and thrown away, but it's not something unique to the military. It's a lesson I had to learn the hard way... nobody is looking out for you. Nobody. If I could go back and have a conversation with myself at 20 years old, there would be a lot of things done differently.

Man I'm angry now. Probably something to do with needing to make the fun choice tomorrow of paying for a physical therapy session myself, or dealing with the pain and being able to eat this week.

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