Why is France so deep in the shits?

I am not French, but was near Paris in the suburbs. I do not want to exaggerate, but you would see 1 white person out of every 50+ as you drive through in your car. Some areas literally looks like you are in Africa or the middle east. At some tram stops outside of Paris city center, I would dare to say is 99% black and arab getting in and off the trains.

You drive past a sport stadium and it is full of black people training, young teenagers of arab descent practicing sports. Women pushing 2/3 babies in a pram with middle eastern clothes. The kindergartens are mainly brown, and not European.

You walk in the streets of Paris, and you see the famous coffee shops on the street. The people sitting there are not Europeans. They are African or Arab descent with small coffee cups. You can't really mention all this without starting to sound like a racist, but France is a very good example of the traditional Europe coming to an end. I realised that too when I found that no French mind or care about this. They are going down a very self destructive path if you ask me.

I think the only people open about this are the Japanese tourist who come visit here expecting to see a white Europe, and what they get is a pretty dirty city full of black and arab people.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread