YSK if you're trying to quit smoking you should register for texts from http://smokefree.gov/smokefreetxt You'll receive motivational texts a few times a day as well as support when you text "crave". Worth a shot if you're serious about quitting. It's helping me.

I was at about a pack and a half a day. Last time I quit for 3 weeks zero cigarettes, only vamping with a box mod and 3mg juice. I had the cravings under control and was doing really good.. The first problem was my throat was annoyingly irritated more days than not; tightness and irritation. Ice cream helped. Then, I started getting anxiety attacks. I've had anxiety for a few years, but it very rarely had "attacks". The worst 4 anxiety attacks of my life were during those 3 weeks... I mean, literally shaking uncontrollably. Triggered by stressful situations and intrusive thoughts. I had some Valium, which I had very rarely ever used before this, and took one 15 mins into the first attack, and was okay within 10 minutes or so. The second time, I took a Valium right away and was again okay within 10 minutes or so. The third, I was away from home, smoked some sativa hash unknowingly (sativas tend to be triggering to me to a degree) and started shaking and getting a rapid heartbeat and feeling extremely anxious. My buddy gave me a cig to calm me down, and it worked and probably cut the anxiety in half. I did controlled breathing and had one more about 10 mins later and the attack almost completely subsided. The last time I took a Valium and gave up on quitting and went back to 3 or 4 a day plus vaping, and only haven't had a legit attack sense. Additionally, in the kind of work I do, I depend on being able to concentrate on my code for hours upon hours, and not smoking leaves my thoughts in a jumbled mess and I can't focus. Scared to fuck with ritilin or adderal because I'm afraid of it triggering anxiety. Scared completely of getting addicted to Valium. I really want to quit but I feel like just making an attempt has disrupted a delicate balance in my head. I don't exactly know what to do, because o don't see life getting any less stressful any time soon. Now I still cape, but also have 5-6 real cigarettes per day. Not sure where to go from here.

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