France, Germany, and Italy to join China-led Bank.

Are you kidding me?

Source for the first one? New York City is one of the safest cities in the world, or is your anti-American circle jerk too strong?

Homogenous country, I'll give it to you.

No, it isn't, and if you really think that then you are extremely out of touch with reality. The US has one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world, but your little reddit comments won't tell you that because America counts homicides and fatal accidents in their life expectancy rates while the rest of the world doesn't, when adjusted the US has the highest life expectancy rate in the world.

People power? You mean like criticizing your government? Bullshit, You act like Unions don't do the same thing in the US, you dumb ass.

The US has upward momentum as well, I guess you haven't been paying attention. Population growth is NOT a good thing, don't be mistaken. The US has a growing economy while the entirety of Europe has managed to stagnate and drag down the global economy. China has even slowed down significantly from past growth while the US has picked up again. Of course a developing country has more people climbing the social ladder, but it also has twice the entire population of the US essentially in chains.

In the US you don't fucking commit suicide at a factory, you go on strike.

You've obviously never been to the US, you are extremely out of touch with reality. You act like having 40% of the global manufacturing base is a good thing when every single developed country in the world has shifted to a mostly service-based economy. Oh, and the US is one of the largest manufacturers on the planet as well (high tech, not that shit they make in China), so go fuck yourself.


Disgusting pollution everywhere you look.

Entire ghost cities created by the government so that they can inflate their economy and try to pretend that they are relevant.

People literally shitting in the streets, and children tied to toilets because they aren't males.

No unions, no representation, no government by the people, no social progress.

Please, get the fuck over yourself. If you want to try and tell me that America is falling behind to CHINA of all places then you can go fuck yourself.

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