Free Talk Friday: Still the First Round Edition

I've never posted on r/nba, but I spend probably inordinate amounts of time here ever since I started following basketball seriously. So none of you know me, but I feel a connection to you all. Just wanna thank you guys for making this an awesome place.


And I have some free talk to get off my chest. I've been working hard at starting a couple companies since I graduated almost 2 years ago, one with a partner, one on my own. I've spent the last year dedicated to my passion of making games; then as I approached the final stages of finishing the game and establishing the company, I suddenly get approached by both Google and Snapchat for software engineering positions. I never would have imagined that I could be considered good enough to be an engineer at either company. So just a week ago I was busting my ass trying to get my company started and game published, and now I'm busting my ass trying to study as hard as I can to pass these technical interviews. I still don't even know if it's going to be possible for me to pass them, and if I somehow do, I'm not sure what the right path to take is.


Life has been pretty strange and crazy lately. Just as I'm about to establish my company, a major startup and a major tech giant contact me. I don't feel like I'm really prepared for any of it, but I'm just gonna keep working as hard as I can. Also, oddly enough, the recruiters from each company have the same first name. My brain is pretty scrambled and I'm just trying to focus on studying for now. I guess that got quite a bit rambly, but it's free talk Friday right? Anyway, thanks for reading, just had to get some stuff off my mind.

/r/nba Thread