Free Talk Fridays - Week of June 23, 2017

Has anyone else who's old, by /r/anime's standards - late 20s, found that their taste in music is getting more...boring? Or at least more mainstream? Not to imply I ever listened to anything truly underground. I used to be the emo guy who would recommended Mineral or Saves the Day and had The Devil and God is Raging Inside of Me on repeat for years.

In the last year though I feel as if I'm...mellowing? But mellowing for worse this time. I mellowed once before soon after high school when I moved from all the screaming (ADTR, Alesana) to emo, and that was for the best. But this time I'm having sort of an existential crisis about it. If I'm honest my album of 2016 was either Take This to Your Grave by FoB or ...Is a Real Boy by Say Anything. And it's looking like my album of 2017 is going to be California by Blink-182...


I'm willing to defend Take This to Your Grave, but did Blink-182 make a legitimately good pop-punk album, or has my taste in music just gone to utter shit? Because I'm listening to exactly what the girls back in middle school were listening to, and that...that can't be a good thing.

Has anyone else seen their music taste get more boring as they've aged? Because that's what California is. The choruses in some of those songs repeat more than 10 times, yet I'm still enjoying it...

And at least Free Throw's new album is fantastic. Still irked I couldn't see them live earlier this week.

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