Friday Free Talk

People have been posting their art on here and it's really pretty, and I love it. I'll do to.

A month and a half ago, I quit this new, ''decent'' enough job because my superior was trying to screw me (and I had the feeling it was going to come to some kind of shit culmination too), doubled down and got on my case, all the while generally testing me and messing with me; meanwhile I was in excruciating pain, passing kidney stones and shit.

That pretty-boy bougie fucker!

He uttered the old, ''if you're not happy go home''.

So I did.

And I am, now...

Well I guess until the bills pile up and I have to find something again. Oh well, until the privilege of my tiny $ cushion runs out, or I find something better, I'm sketching and stuff... These fuckers don't make it too hard to be anti-work.

So, as of now, the last month, I've been pumping out some doodles/(experimental, to me) art. It's my humble beginning, not to self deprecate, maybe just to add context (cause I think it looks pretty amateurish, though I kinda like the innocent quality of it, I don't think I wan't to lose that particular bit). No higher learning of plastic arts (no shit), just loved it in high school and did a trade relating to it in some ways.

It's just good therapy for everyday life, I find.

Mixed media, mostly watercolour, but with some acrylic, Chinese ink, markers and stuff... I'd like some feedback, I value your opinions. What would you like to see me hone in on? though the whole point is I want to do art for a year, see how good I can get, but I want to try a bunch of different mediums, if I like it and succeed I want to write a movie script or something in a year, but starting small with poems...

It's those darn situ and pro-situ groups, they got me all hot and bothered when I set out to explore the cultural aspect of revolution/emancipation/whatever... now trying to backtrack to surrealism and Dada, anyway a bunch more to learn and I find it liberating and exciting, plastic arts has seem to help the creative process when it comes to my writing, so even if it comes out shit it's still good.

I want to tap in more to surrealism, tools and techniques and the like: automatism, got something in the works for surrealist shadowboxes (anyway I'm more spatially inclined), and I'd love to do creative games like exquisite corpse/cadaver ... : ( but I don't have anybody to do it with, maybe we could do it sometime in the comments as a writing game, I got something in mind... maybe : )

And oh, I got some things in mind in the realm of detournement... Ah!!! Baby's first culture jam...

TLDR; Work alienating and oppressive, quit my job, passed a stone, painting some shit, Trump on my Mind, more art to come, reserve your revolutionary thinker TM themed surrealist box

/r/Anarchism Thread