Friendly reminder to not spend money on the store this week until they make it more affordable

Alright what if i edit it to say epipen lmfao? My asthma meds? I would’ve died without that? Those have price gouging too? You wouldn’t defend price gouging for that so why would you defend price gouging for this? I used insulin cause it’s the shit i know about cause my dad, and grandparents on both sides need it and it’s the most well known case of price gouging in healthcare? What do yall not get that price gouging in one sector results in gouging in others? If video games become more profitable than pharmaceuticals you think pharmaceutical prices are going to stay the same? Premiums already shot up this year? Yall are really acting like i’m saying we need cosmetics as much as insulin, i’m saying you wouldn’t defend predatory marketing in pharma so why defend it here?

/r/halo Thread Parent