It's the ftc and youre on the jury who do you vote for?

30: Carolyn. I don't care for the immunity wins type winner, and she deserves at least a 2nd place. 29: Natalie 28: Tony 27:Tyson 26: Dawn. Like Carolyn, she most definitely deserved at least a 2nd place. 25: Denise, though maybe I would have thrown my vote to Lisa to ensure a 2nd place, she has an underrated game I feel like. 24: Obvs Kim 23: Sophie. I really would have wanted to throw Coach a vote if he had own his game, and also because I was never entirely convinced that Sophie had as much control of her game as she claimed. But he didn't, so Sophie. 22: Natalie, just coz I'm so meh on Rob's smugness to win...on his fourth try, in a season practically designed to make him win. Totally a bitter non strategic vote here, lol. 21: Sash 20: Sandra. Even though I do think Parv had a much tougher route to F3, she didn't argue enough on that point at FTC, and she also mismanaged the Danielle situation, who she needed at FTC to win. 19: Natalie. Unless Russell had a different FTC, I'm happy to not give him the satisfaction of having won once, lolololol. And I do think White really did pick up on the fact that Russell's social game was a trainwreck early enough. Sometimes you only need that one move, and I believe she did make it by somehow convincing Russell she was the easy goat amongst other people who would have been way better goats for him than her (and would have won him the game), whilst buttering up everyone else through the season to ensure her own likability. 18. As much as I like Stephen, JT. Stephen would have gotten my vote if he had gone ham on the FTC, forgot about trying to make himself more likable than JT (and fail miserably), and went full villain and made more of a throw JT under the bus "I had completely control of JT and made all the strategic decisions" argument 17. Susie. Like it or not, Sugar controlled a lot of things in Gabon and thus should have been the pick...however she also orchestrated Bob to be the "deserving" winner, and Bob is by far the least deserving winner in 30 seasons of survivor for me, so Susie. 16. Parv 15. Todd 14. Earl 13. Yul 12. Aras 11. Danni 10. Tom 9. Not sure. Could have gone either way 8. Amber. Mostly though it's because BR is just so overrated over his 4 seasons. 7. Sandra 6. Not sure. Could have gone either way 5. Brian 4. Vecepia 3. Ethan 2. Tina 1. Hatch

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