Fuck her for not accepting gifts from a total stranger

Honestly guys have to put in all the work and just get moaned at. My parents and I know of a couple more, also in every film etc, couples are commonly formed by a guy continously trying to win a girl over, even after an initial rejection. Some guys will put in effort after the rejection, show there's maybe potential, it has always been viewed as a funny or playful thing. 'Creepy' or something bad would be much much worse things, but no oh poor you for having people put in some effort.

Nowadays y'all just complain about getting attention, I can understand that you may not like the guy, fine, but you can't just expect people to automatically give up when there's plenty of social examples where you can end up with someone that has rejected you before. I don't get why we're pushing for people to just always give up first try. There's a huge huge difference between being creepy / a douche, and just being a guy with honest intentions but doesn't just want to instantly give up in the face of failure?

I don't get why some people picture men so badly in terms of this stuff. I've only ever been completely respecting to women, in fact I've never asked a girl out unless we were very close already, but I still feel like some women just automatically assume the worst of us. Men dream of women putting some effort in, but too many of them seem to sit there waiting for the perfect man and just complain and belittle guys that try but aren't perfect. Honestly crazy. No wonder guys are always too scared to ask a girl out, y'all freaking make fun of us for trying!

/r/niceguys Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it