Here's the full clip that Univision played during the debate. It was taken out of context!

The Castro attack is going to be interesting. Castro was part of a popular revolution that overthrew a U.S.-backed dictator, who was certainly no friend of the Cuban people. Bernie's defense in his opinion of Castro, is going to be looking at the context of the Cold War and the Monroe Doctrine.

Castro and Eisenhower Backing the Wrong Tyrant -NYT 1994

American meddling in politics was no secret, and these actions resulted in regimes like Pinochet's, who was disappearing political opponents out of helicopters over the ocean, and right-wing death squads operating out of countries like El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemela. Cuba has since become a vacation spot for westerners, but try traveling in Honduras, where the U.S. had a free hand to pursue its policies and back repressive right-wing regimes. My mom was recently in one of these countries on a vacation -- you can guess which. I've traveled Central America from Panama to Mexico, studied Latin American politics as part of an IR major in university, and worked in counterinsurgency as a military officer. Further to that, globalization has improved our ability to understand international issues and communicate internationally. Demonizing Castro has a lot more to do with playing to Cuban exiles in Florida, than a human rights, democratic, or national security concerns.

I am actually quite disconcerted to see Hillary doubling down on this kind of 90's political dogma, because there is a political upheaval happening right now. Being out of touch with the electorate is the kiss of death. It's also poor judgement on the part of her campaign staff to run attacks that are deflected by a two-minute Google seach, like the auto bailout thing, and I'm sure the majority of the attacks at the last debate.

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